in the case of virtual (HyperV) machines backup I can set "keep x backups" but if I want to keep one of them for whatever reason I must copy the files somewhere else before the rule deletes it, would like to have a "retain" button.
Try our 15-day Free Trial with up to 250 MB of Storage. User-friendly interface makes it easy to select files and schedule automatic off-site backups. I can't set expiration to individual backups nor retention, ie. Backup critical files safely off-site to NovaStors secure data center. Backup files may be easily moved/copied at file level incase of need, no need of "export" or difficult backstage tricks. GREAT for stand alone solution, good panel for virtual machine backup schedule and management (I have used only HyperV version). Backup speed normal/good, backup compression normal/good (no deduplication), multiple backup schedule options, good speed to recover from backup (faster than deduplication options from other softwares). It's easy to use and deploy, in case of disaster it's easy to take backup files to another fresh installation of NovaBackup without having to transfer any configurations.

If the first is your use case (not much physical machines) it is probably the best solution and the best price you'll find. If I had a lot of physical machines, each of them with a lot of virtual machines it would lack a good centralized management. Easy, clean, efficient, Novastor is the best solution in the price range for this type of solutions. Comments: I have NovaBackup and HyperV in the same physical server, with jobs to backs up to a NAS. NovaStor announces a partnership with iolo technologies to offer their award winning System Mechanic solution free with every purchase of NovaBACKUP PC.