This makes it invaluable for bug hunting within Linux applications. It offers a few different profiling tools designed to detect errors in memory management, threading and other elements of a program. Valgrind : Valgrind is designed for debugging and profiling Linux binaries.Edb-debugger has a drop-in debugging core, making it possible to use the edb-debugger interface with a different debugging core if desired. It includes all of the core capabilities of a debugger and can also be extended using plug-ins. Edb-debugger : Edb-debugger is the equivalent of OllyDbg for Linux binaries.It is designed to support runtime analysis of Windows executables, provides a user-friendly interface and has many built-in features. OllyDbg : OllyDbg is one of the most famous and widely used tools for reverse engineering.Kali Linux has a few different built-in tools for dynamic reverse engineering, including: In addition to being useful for identifying and fixing bugs in code, debuggers are also invaluable for dynamic analysis.
Dynamic analysis, on the other hand, runs the application code and observes its results. Static reverse engineering involves looking at the assembly code of an application and attempting to understand its function without running it. Reverse engineering can either be performed statically or dynamically. Kali Linux provides a wide range of reverse engineering tools that offer many of the capabilities that a reverse engineer needs.
A reverse engineer may need to accomplish a variety of different tasks and analyze software designed for different environments.